Travis House is raw as fuck, OG as all hell! still kills it and is from newfoundland, Canada. when i seen he got on TSI i was tooo stoked!! threw some questions at him. mostly shot the shit.
Travis the gnar bringer from the rock by, how the fuck we get here?
hahahaha I have no idea buddy, it's like one day your snapping Yaks and the next you're riding Paris for weeks on end. I had a local rider come up to me the other day and was like "YO was that Alex Peasley in the credits of On The Rock?" I was like "yeah... damn, it was, wasn't it". Pretty much all Canadian riders from the early days have fallen off
Hot gluing wheels n playin Halloween with our scooters we were, Yak should of put some in the vault again for another 4 years, kids would understand that one for suuuree!! on the rock tho! you guys were stackin footy back then. made it look like the Canadian cali to me.
St. John's is so much better now than it was. Maybe me and the b'ys are just riding more street around but you really gotta dig through spots that scare the shit out of you. Nothing is smooth and clean cut like cali. You gotta fit in tight places and land on fucked up pavement with creators. filming in the fog and shit, She just works against ya.
Yeah man you guys got it rough in newfoundland, deff gotta mann it up if you want to shred. you were stoked to get off the rock n go to Europe.
Europe was so deadly this year, I felt
like I did so much more compared to last year. The Montreux roadtrip I
did with Wise was a big highlight for me, from hanging with the HooTigh
guys along with the other Scandinavians to riding some of the most
amazing spots I've ever seen in Lyon, France... I've always wanted to do
a riding road trip and that was my very first. Big thanks to Balthazar
for hooking it up and feeding me.
Amsterdam was pretty awesome too, I got to recover a little and just kick it with my Dutch friends for a week or so. Rode my first real pool there as well which was dope... Queens Day was a blur and before I knew it I was back in Paris shreadding and filming with Balth, Hep Greg, McKeen, Tyler Wheeland, Papy and I actually got to meet and chill with Martin Kimbell which was pretty sweet. Was really productive this year and I dig a lot of what I have got filmed so far but it wont see light until the Wise DVD
That spider web of a continent is insane with all the different countries, pure mayhem is awaiting when the montrex comp is comming. Are you stoked on what the wise dvd brought in so far?
hell yeah man, everyone is so motivated and killing it. Martin André is in another league with his riding... some of the shit I've seen him do already looks like its out of a video game.
Amsterdam was pretty awesome too, I got to recover a little and just kick it with my Dutch friends for a week or so. Rode my first real pool there as well which was dope... Queens Day was a blur and before I knew it I was back in Paris shreadding and filming with Balth, Hep Greg, McKeen, Tyler Wheeland, Papy and I actually got to meet and chill with Martin Kimbell which was pretty sweet. Was really productive this year and I dig a lot of what I have got filmed so far but it wont see light until the Wise DVD
That spider web of a continent is insane with all the different countries, pure mayhem is awaiting when the montrex comp is comming. Are you stoked on what the wise dvd brought in so far?
hell yeah man, everyone is so motivated and killing it. Martin André is in another league with his riding... some of the shit I've seen him do already looks like its out of a video game.
Got wise with first trip to paris n TSI with the second! im seeing a pattern here... your staight killing it.
Hahahahah! Yeah man, next year I might come back with a new beer sponsor! Lookin' at you Desperado!
TSI was always a company I really felt for though. When I returned to riding and I had to buy my first after market scooter there was no doubt want I wanted to ride. I put thats Flowmaster through a good two years of hell before she gave in. There are more fingers on my hand than companies I would represent with my whole heart and TSI was always number one on that list. It blows my mind that it's become my reality. I'm balls deep in filming for a TSI edit, hopefully it won't take me all summer to be satisfied with it hahaha
our summer juuustt came man! take your time! stokage kills the most but you gotta kill em all!!
lets end this in a blast
1. song in mind
2. spot in mind
3. go to beer
4. last words
Hahaha bestkind!
1) "Loves Me Tenderly" by The Felice Brothers
2) This bump to rail to hop over I've been dreaming about downtown
3) If I can get to the Liquor Store I'll buy 1664 but if it's Canadian I have to go with Alexander Keiths.
4) Thanks Peasley for posting the photo and gabbin with me, thanks to Balth, my parents, the Kilbride crew, anyone who let me sleep at their crib in Europe and of course Matt and Greg at TSI for giving me this opportunity to continue to live within the culture of scooter riding. Fuck traditional lifestyles and do what you love for as long as humanly possible.
Hell yee, were stoked for you! shred it proud! Travis House of Newfoundland, Canada wise scooters and TSI scooters!.
1) "Loves Me Tenderly" by The Felice Brothers
2) This bump to rail to hop over I've been dreaming about downtown
3) If I can get to the Liquor Store I'll buy 1664 but if it's Canadian I have to go with Alexander Keiths.
4) Thanks Peasley for posting the photo and gabbin with me, thanks to Balth, my parents, the Kilbride crew, anyone who let me sleep at their crib in Europe and of course Matt and Greg at TSI for giving me this opportunity to continue to live within the culture of scooter riding. Fuck traditional lifestyles and do what you love for as long as humanly possible.
Hell yee, were stoked for you! shred it proud! Travis House of Newfoundland, Canada wise scooters and TSI scooters!.
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