In this new age of technology there are few among us who properly take photos anymore. Most of the photos we see are shot from someone's iphone, accompanied with some artsy filter or hashtags, and are lost in the void of social media. It's refreshing when people make the effort to carry a real camera with them. Tyler Wheeland still manages to bring a small point and shoot camera along on his riding trips. These photos aren't necessarily spectacular but it gives you a look into the lifestyle of riding. It gets me stoked to see what people are up to outside of all the contests and other bullshit. Here's some photos from Tyler's trip to Paris back in May.
"I was fortunate enough to take a three week trip to Paris for the Jam. I brought my little point and shoot along with like 10 rolls of film. Heres are some of the results."
This is Rob. The owner of Unfair. He was skitching cars and motorcycles at every given opportunity one night. I thought he was drinking with the rest of us but turns out he was completely sober, what a dude. |
This was during the end of the trip and Ralph was stressin' He had just lost an hour and a half battle with a trick and was taking a much needed rest. |
Georgie doesn't like cops. |
Blake was sent to Paris so he could film a little video part for Lucky and gather content. He managed to get one clip at the Dissidence warehouse, tear a ligament trying to bunny hop the Bercy 5 block and drink a whole lot of alcohol. |
Riding with the Unfair crew was one of the highlights of the trip. A bunch of awesome dudes. |
Matt was shocked that Ralph and I didn't know how to sit on our handlebars and demonstrated for us after the first day of the jam. |
I always manage to get rad photos of Ralph, one day he'll be on the cover of GQ. HA |
This was probably the coldest day in Paris and Balthazar scootered all day while Greg and I sat around and waited for the night. |
This was the main crew for most of the trip. |
We slept in one morning and met up with the crew later in the day. Upon rolling up we saw paramedics and apparently Jack half cab head bonked a sharp fence. He was bandaged up and cruising the streets later that day. |
Greg instagramming the Louvre and a couple taking their wedding photos. It was wild how many Asian couples I saw taking wedding photos at historic landmarks around Paris. |
I stayed at Sebastian’s flat for most of the trip with Hep, Travis House and Ralph. He had this rad little patio outside and we would go there at night to drink beers and listen to jazz.
"I think those photos summed up my trip pretty well. I shot a ton more that will probably end up on my tumblr or something. Thanks to Collin from Tilt for always coming through clutch."
- Twhee
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