Monday, January 6, 2014

The Philly Files is HERE

I've been slacking on the blog updates but for all of you who still check this regularly we premiered "The Philly Files" on ScooterResource last Friday.  This is not your average scooter video.  We wanted to a show a different side to riding that isn't seen in most videos.  I'd call it a "documentary" style of an edit because there's so much more that happens behind than riding. Here on the east coast there's a different mentality to finding and riding spots.  Nothing here is perfect, it allows us to have more creativity with what we do but at the same time there's a whole lot of drama.  Philly is a crazy city, from the spots to the people, it can be fucking awesome one day and unbearable the next.  We hope that this video sheds a new perspective on scooter riding and what it means to film a full video. Enjoy!

- McKeen

1 comment:

  1. great synopsis and and a gnar stack of footage
